Academic partnerships

Heriot-Watt University participates in a number of Academic Partnerships with Higher Education Institutions, organisations and education providers both nationally and globally. As a degree awarding body, we are guided by the principles of the Quality Assurance Agency in the development, implementation and management of our partnership activities.

Providers and their partners agree proportionate arrangements for effective governance to secure the academic standards and enhance the quality of programmes and modules that are delivered in partnership with others. Organisations involved in partnership arrangements agree and communicate the mutual and specific responsibilities in relation to delivering, monitoring, evaluating, assuring and enhancing the learning experience.

1 The awarding organisation will be accountable for assuring the overall quality and academic standards of the provision, regardless of the type of partnership
2 The awarding organisation will have in place appropriate governance to authorise and oversee the development and closure of partnership arrangements and to monitor their effective operation
3 Due diligence enquiries are completed and legally-binding written agreements are signed prior to the commencement of the student registration - due diligence enquiries are refreshed periodically and before agreements are renewed
4 Provision delivered through partnership arrangements will be subject to quality procedures that are at least as rigorous, secure and open to scrutiny as those used for the provision delivered by the awarding organisation
5 Awarding organisations that make arrangements for the delivering of learning opportunities with others retain the authority and responsibility for awarding certificates and records of study in relation to student achievement
6 All awarding organisations maintain accurate, up-to-date records of all partnership arrangements that are subject to a formal agreement
7 Awarding organisations monitor and evaluate their partnership arrangements to satisfy themselves that the arrangements are achieving their stated outcomes and that academic standards and quality are being maintained

Colleagues at Heriot-Watt University can visit the Academic Partnerships Hub for further information on all areas relating to Academic Partnerships, including the partnership approval process, partnership management guidance, and monitoring and review advice.

Key information

Academic Partnerships