Who to contact

If you know the name of the person you would like to contact, you can search for their contact details using the Heriot-Watt People Finder. For general enquiries regarding the University see the main Heriot-Watt contact us page.

Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure & Society Senior Executive Team

Executive Dean:  Prof P.A. Muhammed Basheer -  M.Basheer@hw.ac.uk

Executive Assistant to Prof P.A. Muhammed Basheer: Lisa Kennedy – L.Kennedy@hw.ac.uk

Deputy Executive Dean:  Matthew Smith â€” Matthew.Smith@hw.ac.uk

Director of Research:  Prof. Teresa Fernandes – T.Fernandes@hw.ac.uk

Director of Learning and Teaching: Prof. Guy Walker -  G.H.Walker@hw.ac.uk

Director of Planning: Prof Eddie Owens – E.H.Owens@hw.ac.uk

Finance Business Partner: Akembom Loh – A.Loh@hw.ac.uk

Head of Operations: Caroline Brown – C.Brown@hw.ac.uk  

Directors of Research Institutes

Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering: Prof. Mehran Sohrabi -  M.Sohrabi@hw.ac.uk

Institute of Life & Earth Sciences: Prof. Teresa Fernandes – T.Fernandes@hw.ac.uk

Institute of Sustainable Built Environment – Prof. Lynne Jack – L.B.Jack@hw.ac.uk

Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE): Prof. Suzanne Fitzpatrick – S.Fitzpatrick@hw.ac.uk

The Urban Institute: Prof. Ryan Woolrych – R.D.Woolrych@hw.ac.uk

Heads of School and Heads of Campus

Dubai Campus: Matthew Smith – Matthew.Smith@hw.ac.uk

Malaysia Campus: Prof. Syed Hasan – Syed.Hasan@hw.ac.uk

Orkney Campus: Prof. Sandy Kerr -  S.Kerr@hw.ac.uk

Postgraduate Research

Director of PGR Studies: Prof. Florian Doster -   F.Doster@hw.ac.uk

If you are interested in undertaking a PhD, please search our programmes

General PGR queries: egis-pgr-students@hw.ac.uk

For further information please contact the Staff Office – egis-staff@hw.ac.uk