Orkney Campus and Sustainability

Our Orkney campus, the International Centre for Island Technology (ICIT) is a world-leader in research and innovation in renewable energy, marine science and environmental resources. Located in the coastal town of Stromness, it is at the centre of a thriving marine renewables industry, driving the energy transition not just in Orkney, but globally. Steeped in over 5000 years of history, with its clean, rich environment and over 500 miles of diverse coastal habitats, our Orkney campus presents a living laboratory in which full appreciation can be gained of the processes and challenges involved in creating sustainable solutions to meet the energy needs of society.

Orkney coastline

A natural, living laboratory

The unique location of the Orkney campus, on the edge of Scapa Flow and the Pentland Firth, enables unhindered access to world class renewable energy resources and internationally renowned testing facilities. In combination with the Flotta Oil Terminal, extensive aquaculture and fishing industries, plus a wealth of maritime expertise, we are able to provide a unique setting for a range of teaching, research and testing activities.

Building in sustainability

ICIT sits on a 3.75 acre campus that has seen refurbishment, modernisation and extension of former school buildings to create an efficient, modern campus.

Campus Services

Our Campus Services are responsible for the development and implementation of our environmental, energy and sustainability policies.

We have various initiatives in place to reduce our energy consumption and to promote recycling, and each year we submit a climate change report to the Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN).

Our Climate Action Framework, outlines potential projects and process changes that we can consider in order to reduce our carbon footprint to net zero.

We hope that while you are studying with us, you can play your part in helping us to minimise waste, reduce our energy use and recycle as much as possible.


Find out how to recycle on campus.