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We specialise in marketing with a global, digital and sustainable focus.

Heriot-Watt University's Edinburgh Business School was ranked as the number 1 place to study marketing in Scotland in the National Student Survey 2020.

Be FutureMade in Marketing

Our MA (Hons) Marketing degree is fully accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and is taught by internationally esteemed faculty who draw on their own extensive industry experience and academic research to bring this fascinating subject to life.

An industry-focus underpins every part of this degree, ensuring your studies reflect current thinking and practices in professional marketing. Our courses feature an industry-linked project, assignments driven by industry case studies and guest lecturers from business leaders.

Data-Led Marketing with Bloomberg

Heriot-Watt University is a named Bloomberg Experiential Learning Partner (ELP), a programme designed by Bloomberg to recognise universities that are leaders in experiential learning.

The Bloomberg facility at Heriot-Watt University is unique in Scotland and enables students from different disciplines of business to better understand different aspects of markets, business behaviours and economic trends.

The Bloomberg Finance Lab includes state-of-the-art Bloomberg Terminals, giving students a rare insight into the hustle and bustle of a virtual trading room, preparing them for many of the challenges found in the industry.

Be FutureMade

Undergraduate Marketing degrees

Students sat on seats and sofas in a lounge area talking in groups

Marketing MA (Hons)

Study a marketing degree which features sustainable, digital, strategic and data insight marketing at its core. Scotland's highest ranked Marketing Degree, NSS

Students sat on seats and sofas in a lounge area talking in groups

Marketing (Accelerated) MA (Hons)

An accelerated 3-year version of our MA (Hons) Marketing degree which starts at an advanced stage. Perfect for A-Level students.

Marketing Perspectives in second year was my first opportunity to work on a real life example of marketing related work and get a taste of what work may be like after leaving university. Heriot-Watt allowed me many opportunities I could not have otherwise experienced and has a strong, supportive network of students and staff

Kieran Mooney, MA (Hons) International Business Management with Marketing

Global Operations Position Control Analyst at Morgan Stanley

Guest Lectures in Marketing

We invite business leaders to talk to our students and share the latest ideas from the marketing industry.

Rebecca Richardson

Co-Founder, Revive Eco

Marie McKelvie

Head of Digital Content, Aviva

Rachelle Garnham

Senior Global Marketing Lead, Skyscanner

Tom Hendren

Global President, Array Marketing

Explore undergraduate subjects

Explore the range of subjects offered at undergraduate level by Edinburgh Business School online and on campus in Edinburgh, Dubai and Malaysia.

Student at computer screen


Our Accounting Degrees are professional body accredited and prepare you for a rewarding career in accountancy or the financial sector. Find out more and apply.

Woman holding a laptop walking through a hall in an office.


Our Business Degrees blend essential knowledge with modern business practices, allowing students to obtain necessary skills and apply it to a specialism. See more.

A woman sitting in an office smiles as she takes notes while in conversation.


Ranked 1st in Scotland and 3rd in the UK, our undergraduate Economics degrees are designed to apply economic thinking to real world scenarios. Find out more.

Two individuals sit opposite each other at a table and chairs, behind a glass barrier.


Heriot-Watt's Bloomberg-accredited undergraduate Finance degrees prepare graduates for employment in the financial sector. Find out more and apply today.