A Student Union Reunion

On Saturday 27 July a group of 13 former volunteers and officers of the Student Union from the 1990s attended a campus reunion.
Steven Edgar, who was the photographer for the union during his time as a student had this to say:
“The most surprising development we saw was that the old accommodation blocks, Linlithgow, Midlothian, Pentland, Caddon, Ettrick and Yarrow, are all gone, demolished and replaced with a lovely open park. Much time was spent pointing at where the old buildings stood and exchanging stories of those who stayed in them.”
“We wandered through the main building too. The feel of that seemed much more modern than it was in our time. The area where the old catering and Lectern Bar were has gone, replaced by a quiet study area. We were surprised by how many students were to be found there working away on a Saturday evening, definitely not something you would have found 20 years ago.”
The event was a great success, with everyone enjoying rekindled friendships and sharing collections. The group noted just how much volunteering for the Students Association had benefited them, and how fondly they remember it. As such, there are demands for another ReUnion event in 2020, details of which will be announced on the HWUSA in the 1990s Facebook page once they are made.