Withdrawing from the University

If you wish to withdraw permanently from your programme at the University, please complete the Withdrawal from University form and return to the email shown on the form. Or if you are at the Malaysia campus, please complete the Withdrawal from university - Malaysia campus form and return to the email shown on the form.

Things to check before you leave
  • The funding implications if you leave, particularly in relation to
    • Fees
    • Student loans and grants
    • Bursaries
    • Future funding, repeating years/starting again (as above).
    • Financial Sponsorship
  • If you are in the UK on a Tier 4 student visa you should check what the visa implications will be if you decide to take a break or leave Heriot Watt. To speak to an International Student Advisor about this please contact the Student information desk.
  • If you are in University accommodation, please contact Halls@hw.ac.uk (Edinburgh) bordershalls@hw.ac.uk (Scottish Borders) to discuss withdrawing from your accommodation, please include the letter from your school confirming your withdrawal from University.  
  • If you are living in rented accommodation, you should check your lease agreement and speak to your landlord to find out what charges you would be liable for when you leave. Please read the information on our accommodation advice page.
  • Follow the University procedures for permanent voluntary withdrawal and fill in the University Withdrawal Form (see below).
  • Check whether you are entitled to any academic credit or an award below degree level from the University. You may be entitled to a Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) if you have completed 120 credits (equivalent to passing one complete year of study) or Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) if you have completed 240 credits (equivalent to passing two complete years of study). If you wish to claim an award it is important that you complete a Permanent Voluntary Withdrawal form. There is a £50 award fee and these awards are issued twice a year, in April and in September.
  • Make sure you return any University equipment, materials, books, ID cars, parking permit etc.
If you are ready to leave
  • If you have decided to leave the University you should meet with your personal tutor so you can complete the University Withdrawal Form. Or if you are at the Malaysia campus, please complete the Withdrawal from university - Malaysia campus form and return to the email shown on the form.
  • It is important that you inform us as soon as possible of your wish to leave the University so that we can inform Student Finance England/Wales/Northern Ireland, SAAS or any other sponsor. The earlier we inform them of your withdrawal, the more likely it is that they will agree to fund some of your University study in the future.
  • If you are in University accommodation, please contact Halls@hw.ac.uk (Edinburgh) bordershalls@hw.ac.uk (Scottish Borders) to discuss withdrawing from your accommodation.
  • If you decide to leave, we would like to hear from you about why you made that decision and if there is anything you feel the University could have done to help you. This information is valuable to us as it helps us to work on improving the student experience at Heriot-Watt and, if necessary, putting right anything we are getting wrong. We are happy for you to speak frankly to us and anything you say will be treated in confidence. You can e-mail us your feedback at ThinkingofLeaving@hw.ac.uk