Research Management Committee (Dubai)

The University Committee for Research and Innovation (UCRI) established the Research Management Committee (Dubai) (RMC (D)) as one of its sub-committees to maintain oversight of the University’s research and innovation activities in Dubai.

The Research Management Committee (Dubai) has the following remit:

a) to advise the Dubai Executive Committee (DEC) on matters relating to research and Postgraduate Research Studies;
b) to advise the DEC and UCRI on research opportunities and developments in the United Arab Emirates;
c) to advise UCRI on matters related to local research ethics principles;
d) to be responsible for the operation and delivery of postgraduate research programmes in Dubai with reference to the appropriate School structure; and
e) to ensure that operations relating to research are carried out with reference to the appropriate School framework.

The Research Management Committee (Dubai) reports to both the University Committee for Research and Innovation and the Dubai Executive Committee.

Terms of Reference

Read the Research Management Committee (Dubai) Terms of Reference.

Meeting dates

Chair: Tadhg O'Donovan
Clerk: Judy Aneiny

Key information

Judy Aneiny