Dr Seyedeh Mohsenpour
BSc, MSc, PhD
- Role
- Assistant Professor - Chemical & Process Engineering
- s.mohsenpour@hw.ac.uk

Teaching Group
Chemical & Process Engineering
Year 1 Coordinator, Admission Tutor, Public Engagement Coordinator
Teaching interests
Sustainability, Heat Transfer, Process Design, Bioreactor Engineering, Process Engineering, Environmental Engineering
Dr Mohsenpour was appointed Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences upon the completion of her PhD at Heriot-Watt University in 2014. During her PhD she worked on development of luminescent photobioreactors for production of microalgae and value-added products. Dr Mohsenpour obtained her BSc in Chemical Engineering from Tehran Azad University, Science & Research Branch (Iran, 2007) followed by a MSc in Bioprocessing from Heriot-Watt University (UK, 2010). Her research and teaching interests are focused on sustainability, renewable energy, and environmental engineering.
Sustainability, Algae Bioprocessing, Photobioreactor Design, Renewable Energy, Algal Pigment Harvesting, Biofuel production, Industrial Symbiosis, Circular Economy
- Development of luminescent photobioreactors for improved microalgae cultivation
- Spectral conversion of light for enhanced microalgae growth rates and photosynthetic pigment production
- Integrating micro-algae into wastewater treatment: A review
- Effect of CO2 aeration on cultivation of microalgae in luminescent photobioreactors
- Luminescent photobioreactor design for improved algal growth and photosynthetic pigment production through spectral conversion of light