Hernandez Casado, Juame

Project Title
Geophysical detection of dyke and sill complexes, and the implications for prospectivity
It has long been recognised that the complex overburden affects the propagation of the seismic signal and hence, the imaging of prospective sub-salt Upper Palaeozoic and Carboniferous reservoirs in the SNS. The complexity has consequent impact for structural mapping and depth conversion through a combination of factors, including the presence of a thick salt layer in the Upper Permian and Tertiary igneous intrusions.
Nevertheless, our understanding of the effects of the igneous bodies have, until recently, suffered from a lack of well data calibration, so the recently acquired sonic and density logs obtained in well 44/24-6 have afforded us the rare opportunity to model, tie, and map the intrusions.
We present the results of research that aims to show the interactions between salt and the intrusions and then to map, quantify, model and understand the implications for the regional overburden and its consequences for sub-salt, sub-basalt exploration of the Carboniferous.
Professor John Underhill and Dr Rachel Jamieson
Email: jh242@hw.ac.uk