Cameron Cumming
MEng Chemical Engineering
Cameron Cumming from Brussels in Belgium is studying MEng Chemical Engineering in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
View degreeThree ways Chemical Engineering can/will make the world a better place in the future?
- Chemical Engineering is crucial to help improve and update systems allowing them to adapt to ever changing technology and generations.
- Chemical Engineering has a major focus on energy efficiency which can help curb the impact of climate change and find more reusable and sustainable alternatives.
- Chemical Engineering considers reusing and recycling products to keep waste to a minimum for a chemical process.
Three reasons Chemical Engineering was/is the right degree for you to study?
- I can connect with the core concepts from foundation years/my background knowledge from school which allows me to feel confident in my studies and pushes me to learn more and expand my knowledge.
- After three years in, the way raw materials are processed into final products continues to fascinate me. I definitely haven't lost any interest over the years.
- Even though I am still unsure what field I want to enter after completing my degree I feel I have many options as Chemical Engineering is so versatile and has a place in many different industries.
Three things that made you want to study at Heriot-Watt?
- Location! Knowing I wanted to study in the UK, I came to visit Heriot-Watt and immediately loved the campus feel that differentiated Heriot-Watt from other universities.
- Heriot-Watt has one of the highest ratings for Chemical Engineeringin the UK and has many industrial and research links.
- The student life on campus appealed to me. With the numerous clubs in the Sports Union and the societies in the Student Union I knew I would be provided with many opportunities for my interests out with Chemical Engineering.
Three things people might not know about Chemical Engineering at Heriot-Watt?
- It offers experience with students doing different degrees. Students get the opportunity to do two multi-discipline projects in stages 3 and 5.
- The degree programme allows us many opportunities to collaborate with our peers. It offers multiple major Chemical Engineering design group projects that get progressively complex and more in-depth allowing us to design different equipment within a process.
- Amazing industrial links with a strong alumni base. The staff are all great and extremely helpful with a genuine interest in student welfare and student needs.
Three ambitions you have for the future/when you graduate?
- Graduate with a first-class honour on the MEng program.
- Find a company that I would enjoy working with, allows me to continuously expand my knowledge and continue learning/growing and aligns with my values.
- Help ease the impact climate change has had on our planet.