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Katya Moncrieff

MChem Chemistry

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Studying Chemistry at Heriot-Watt allows you to develop your analytical skills and use logic to approach abstract problems, with modules covering each of Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Materials Chemistry in depth and variety. The course is sufficiently challenging and as the years progress you are naturally rewarded with the tools to approach a huge range of practical and theoretical tasks and a thorough understanding of your subject.

The Chemistry department are well-linked with industry and encourage students to get as much practical experience as possible, whether through their projects or by taking fourth year to do a placement outwith the university. I was very attracted to the combination of science and language which Heriot-Watt offers, which is certainly unusual but has allowed me to become proficient in French alongside pursuing a Masters in Chemistry. I feel that the excellent teaching standards in chemistry and the flexibility allowed for language classes has greatly enhanced my career prospects and my employability as a graduate, as well as opening up doors as to the countries in which I can apply for work.

What struck me most was the real sense of community in Chemistry, and I especially found the friendliness of the department hugely supportive throughout my Masters. Whenever I had difficulties with an assignment or had a question I always felt at ease to knock on my lecturers' doors. Heriot-Watt also run a Personal Tutor scheme whereby each student is allocated a member of staff to whom they can go to for guidance, whether in an academic context or not. This scheme particularly thrives in the chemistry department, and I speak from personal experience when I say that my tutor was invaluable to me when I was finding things tough!