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Ili Izyan Syazwani Ramli

Illi graduated with a PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2015. She is now a researcher for Petronas in Bangi, Malaysia.

Tell us about your current job

My current job involves me developing utilisation technologies for captured CO2 from a high CO2 gas field. This includes conducting experimental lab and fieldwork, as well as analysing and reviewing the data. I am also responsible in developing heat recovery systems between the technologies for optimum energy integration network.

How is your work making a difference in the real world?

One of the key outcomes of the COP21 in Paris was for the world to limit average global temperature increase to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels. As today's world is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels as the main energy sources, there is a strong need to implement carbon mitigation mechanism to curb globally excessive CO2 emissions which contribute to the rapid rise in average global temperature. Carbon-capture and utilisation is one of the promising ways to control the rise in global temperature by capturing and converting the CO2 into environmentally-benign materials before it reaches the atmosphere.

What was your experience of doing a Postgraduate degree at Heriot-Watt University?

Heriot-Watt University provided a conducive environment during my postgraduate study. Apart from hosting a pool of globally renowned and exceptionally supportive academics, there are also state-of-the-art research facilities being run by such dedicated staff. Also, I enjoyed meeting and collaborating with researchers from various backgrounds, which has widened my research network.

Do you think your Heriot-Watt postgraduate experience gave you an edge in your chosen field and why?

Heriot-Watt opened the door to the world of opportunities towards the advancement of my research skills, academic knowledge, as well as personal growth. The challenges that I went through for my PhD research project have deeply instilled critical thinking and complex problem solving skills, which are crucial in my current role as a researcher in the industry. Furthermore, the existing research network that I built during my postgraduate in Heriot-Watt has facilitated me in carrying out my professional duties.

What advice would you give to a postgraduate student considering Heriot-Watt?

Heriot-Watt ranks as one of the best universities in the UK with international campuses and top-notch facilities. It will be hard not to use these to your advantage while enjoying the experience as much as you can. Just remember that hard work, dedication and proper time management are key in having an excellent and balanced student life.