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Heriot-Watt University Malaysia offers high quality British education and global study opportunities at our modern campus in Putrajaya.

Focus on Malaysia

With a history dating back to 1821, we have a long tradition of excellence and a proven track record in educating, inspiring and challenging the professionals of tomorrow. We are one of the top UK universities for business and industry and have an established reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research.

The degree programmes at Heriot-Watt are career-focused and relevant to the needs of business and industry, leading employers to actively seek out our graduates

Key areas for Malaysia Campus

Other areas we expect to engage in include sustainable development, biotechnologies, energy, water resource management, smart textiles and interior environments. It is likely that our research and knowledge transfer activities in Malaysia will reflect the six themes of the University's core strategy which are:

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Energy
  • Transport and Infrastructure
  • Physical and Life Sciences Interface
  • Modeling and Risk
  • Creativity, Design and Innovation

I have been able to travel a lot, in Scotland, the UK and around Europe, which has been amazing. My friends and I have visited the Highlands and tourist attractions in Scotland and some of us are planning on a trip around the whole of Europe during the summer before heading back to Malaysia.

Florence Ong Woei Yng, Go Global Student Experience