Rebecca Gearty

'Evening Looks and all that Jazz' by Rebecca Gearty

‘Evening Looks and all that Jazz’ is an article from Vogue, October, 1961 – the month my Granny and Shen got married. My main concept is my Granny's photo collection whilst taking inspiration from areas special to me on the Isle of Lewis. I specifically look at the wedding photos from Granny's collection to gain a bridal influence for elegance and femininity.

My collection is fully sustainable as garments are either made from second-hand wedding dresses or pure silk fabrics. Any colour within the collection is hand-dyed, with prints of my favourite pictures from Granny's photos.

My aim for this collection was to represent my home and my family – especially family that is no longer with me or not doing so well; and to try take a sustainable turn to the bridal dress market, a pretty unsustainable industry.

'Evening Looks and all that Jazz'