Lucy Power

'Concrete & Flowers' by Lucy Power

'Concrete & Flowers' is a menswear collection; a captivating exploration of a post-human future where nature surges forth, rightfully reclaiming our concrete cities with a fierce and unyielding beauty. Inspired by Alan Weisman's thought-provoking literature, this collection envisages a world where nature experiences a rebirth from the harsh confines of unsustainable materialism.

Combining traditional and innovative pattern cutting techniques, I wanted to showcase the power of nature’s ability to adapt and thrive. Whilst the collection utilises traditional menswear blocks, I chose to model the garments without specific gender boundaries, embracing a more inclusive and fluid approach to fashion.

We invite you to experience this unique collection as we consider the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world, and how the end of our civilisation could birth a mesmerising fusion of past and future.

'Concrete & Flowers'

Three male modesl stand on a rocky hillside wearing designs by Lucy Power from her collection 'Concrete & Flowers'

'Concrete & Flowers' by Lucy Power (1 of 3)

Male model leans into the wind on a rocky hilltop wearing a design by Lucy Power from her collection 'Concrete & Flowers'

'Concrete & Flowers' by Lucy Power (2 of 3)

Male model stands before a grey rock face wearing a design by Lucy Power from her collection 'Concrete & Flowers'

'Concrete & Flowers' by Lucy Power (3 of 3)