Amina Yashi Chemmala

Amina Yashi Chemmala
An Analysis of the Application of Various Parts of Coconut Palm in Different Sectors of the Fashion Industry to Support the Farmers of Kerala and to Regain the Natural Agri-environment of Kerala, India.
This research is based on coconut. Coconut cultivation in Kerala, India is experiencing a gradual decline due to various factors, including price fluctuations. Since the coconut has enough importance in the fashion industry, they can overcome those challenges with the help of the fashion industry. Through primary and secondary methods including surveys and case studies, I have attained my aim and objectives. The findings indicate that establishing a coconut fashion industry can address various challenges by supporting coconut farmers and increasing productivity in regions like Kerala can result in poverty alleviation, job creation, and overall economic progress for the residents. It also shows that agro-industrial by-products in the fashion sector will provide sustainable products for the environment.
'An Analysis of the Application of Various Parts of Coconut Palm in Different Sectors of the Fashion Industry'
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