Eldernest Daycare

ELDERNEST DAYCARE delves into the delicate balance between providing assisted living support and maintaining the comforts of home, a balance that is vital for ensuring the well-being and independence of the elderly.

My design concept revolves around infusing retro design trends into the layout and décor of our elderly daycare facility, offering a unique opportunity to evoke feelings of nostalgia and comfort. By drawing inspiration from past eras such as mid-century modern or vintage styles, the aim is to create a welcoming and engaging environment for our senior participants. Incorporating elements from retro design not only provides a sense of familiarity and warmth but also stimulates memories and encourages social interaction and emotional well-being among our elderly attendees.

Thoughtful consideration of retro design elements, including furniture, color schemes, and decor accents, helps establish a nurturing and supportive atmosphere that enriches the daily experiences of our seniors at the daycare facility. Additionally,  I have incorporated an indoor gardening space and a golfing area for the elderly to enjoy.

The Project

Elderly daycare facility, offering a unique opportunity to evoke feelings of nostalgia and comfort.

Cozy space with a comfortable couch, a stylish coffee table, and a vibrant plant.

Arwaaziz Patanwala - 'Eldernest Daycare' (1 of 1)