Phil Obiorah

'Our Dystopian Paradise' by Phil Obiorah

Our dystopian paradise is a retro inspired photo comic that takes the reader on an exciting journey through the fictional totalitarian state of Techtopia and tells the story of an all-changing rebellion. With my comic's creation, I want to spark conversation about the potential consequences of advanced technology and give a fictional perspective into a potential future. Besides the technology aspect, my comic also contains themes related to social justice, breaking free from an oppressive political system, and surviving in a dystopian setting. By combining nostalgia with elements of the future, I hope to create a unique experience that unites different generations.

Young woman seated on carpeted floor looks upwards

'Our Dystopian Paradise' by Phil Obiorah (1 of 4)

Man in white balaclava with protective goggles hanging around his neck leans against a roof beam

'Our Dystopian Paradise' by Phil Obiorah (2 of 4)

Young woman on an underground train station platform as train pulls out

'Our Dystopian Paradise' by Phil Obiorah (3 of 4)

A man lies on a couch looking upwards through the viewfinder of a camera held in one hand

'Our Dystopian Paradise' by Phil Obiorah (4 of 4)