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Rachel Woods

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology)

Rachel, from Haddington in Scotland, is studying Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology).

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Was the location of Heriot-Watt a big influence on your decision to study at Heriot-Watt?

Absolutely, the scenery was a huge thing for me. The beautiful surroundings, especially the lake beside the Student Union really help you to relax and escape the busy city for a while.

What would you say to prospective students considering studying here?

Definitely attend one of the open days if you can. The atmosphere when I came for my open day was so relaxed and friendly. It gives you a great opportunity to get to know the Campus and decide if it feels right for you. And don't be afraid to ask questions – everyone is very willing to help!

What sort of experience have you had in making links with industry?

Recently the School has started holding its own specialised career fair each year which, so far, has been really successful. This allows us a great opportunity to make connections outside of the University and meet potential employers.

How has your degree programme prepared you for a career?

Regular lab sessions allow for development of practical skills. You are encouraged to take responsibility for your own learning outside of lectures, while regular coursework tasks are based around how to apply for a job.

What are you planning after you graduate?

I plan to move on to a PhD degree, hopefully in immunology or infectious diseases as that is one of my favourite areas of biology. After that I'd love to work in research for new vaccines.