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Margrethe Gjerull

BEng (Hons) Architectural Engineering

Margrethe Gjerull from Norway is studying BEng (Hons) Architectural Engineering. We offer several different undergraduate degrees in architectural engineering.

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Why did you decide to study at Heriot-Watt?

Heriot-Watt has a very good reputation and a high credibility, especially within the Norwegian community. The University offers multiple engineering courses with an emphasis on graduate attributes, which I think will be valuable to my future career.

Are you enjoying your programme so far?

Thoroughly! The Architectural Engineering programme provides a great combination of courses within the aspects of building construction, design, sustainability and energy. I really enjoy this combination of 60% technical courses and 40% design-related courses. The programme is both challenging and intellectually stimulating.

What would you say to prospective students considering studying at Heriot-Watt?

I would recommend Heriot-Watt to anyone wanting to pursue a degree in higher education. The campus is great, the members of staff are very nice and the services available to students all contribute to a wonderful university experience.

Has your programme allowed you to develop links with industry?

Yes, especially this year where members of industry are taking an active part in our design project. Through this arrangement, companies are able to give their evaluation and insight into our individual projects, which I find to be very helpful.

Do you feel your degree is preparing you well for a career?

Yes! Due to the variation of courses covered under the Architectural Engineering programme, I feel equipped to apply for a range of further postgraduate study options. It also enables the possibility for me to go into various career paths.

What are you planning to do after you graduate?

I am currently applying to do a masters degree within the fields of energy technologies and environmental engineering, as well as applying for internships and graduate programmes both in Norway and in the UK.