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Iswarya Ravichandran

BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering

Iswarya, from Dubai, UAE, is studying Automotive Engineering in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

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What appealed to you most about Heriot-Watt University?

My parents were reluctant for me to study far from home so I looked for the best university in Dubai and chose Heriot-Watt. I spent 1st year at the Dubai Campus, and loved it but I had a real urge to travel and gain more international experience. My University mentor explained that Heriot-Watt actively encourages students to transfer between its Campuses in the UK, Dubai and Malaysia. He suggested I transfer to Edinburgh and I wanted to give it a try. My mom and sister visited the Edinburgh Campus and fell in love with it and were happy for me to transfer.

How was the transfer process?

My transfer was very well organised by both the Edinburgh and Dubai Campus. The staff were friendly, supportive and responded to all my queries promptly.

Was it easy to get settled into life at the Edinburgh Campus?

When I arrived I had my mouth wide open – it was huge with so many trees! It is such a contrast to Dubai. The staff here made me feel at home and my lecturers helped me adjust to my new classes. I have taken advantage of all the opportunities here – I got a job at the Student Union, became a member of the Student Union's Executive Committee and I am the NUS Scotland Delegate for this year.

Do you feel your degree has prepared you well for a career?

Yes, definitely. The University helps us to connect with industries through summer research placements and Careers Fairs. My programme has prepared me well for working once I graduate. I am in my 4th year with two job offers in my hand so I guess that's fine!