Diana Jelenova
MChem Chemistry
Diana, who studied Chemistry with Management in the School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, now does an EngD in Offshore Renewable Energy.
View degreeWhat influenced your decision to choose Heriot-Watt?
Heriot-Watt University was one of the few universities offering the course I wanted to do. Since I lived quite far away, I had not seen the campus or Edinburgh city prior to accepting my offer. Thus my final decision was based on the university's attitude towards its potential students. Heriot-Watt University was the only university who immediately replied to all of my questions before applying and the answers were always personal rather than generic. This made an impression of the staff caring about their potential students, which turned out to be true during my degree.
How did your experience here help you on your chosen career path?
Chemistry degrees at HWU provide lots of practical experience with essential technology, which I believe makes your job applications stronger. Also, I have always aspired to work in green chemistry or renewable energy, which became true thanks to good offers of materials, inorganic and physical chemistry subjects and a specific master's project I was able to choose.
What did you enjoy most about your programme?
I enjoyed that the course was really challenging. As a student aiming for the best results, you really have to work hard to achieve those. However, there was so much support provided on Vision (helpful videos and apps), through the structure of the course (tutorials and assignments) and from the lecturers that it was not so difficult to understand the topic and to prepare for the exams.
What was your experience of doing an undergraduate degree here?
I enjoyed doing my undergraduate degree at Heriot-Watt as apart from the great experience in academia there are good opportunities and facilities to have a hobby and make friends. I was a part of a sports club, where I could compete nationally and internationally so my time at university was not all about studying. There are also a lot of societies where students can meet likeminded people and make friends for life.
What advice would you give to a prospective student considering embarking on their studies at Heriot-Watt?
Remember you are not alone in your studies. Make sure to approach the staff when you struggle as they will be happy to help and explain anything you don't understand. Also, don't forget to enjoy yourself, as university gives opportunities to make memories you will never forget.