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Warren Thompson

Warren completed his PhD at Heriot-Watt's Research Centre for Carbon Solutions (RCCS) under the supervision of Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer. Through academic and industrial experience, he has developed statistical and numerical expertise for scientific and engineering decision making. Warren is now part of the XChem group at Diamond Light Source developing an automated synthesis pipeline for drug discovery.

My research at Heriot-Watt developed numerical and experimental methodology for developing CO2 photoreduction kinetic models. Photo-driven reduction of CO2 requires highly efficient, robust systems and my work aimed to develop kinetic models that could be used for understanding the process, aiding engineering decision-making and assisting the potential scaling of photoreactors.

I was exposed to an extremely open-minded and international group of researchers in the RCCS. This experience not only had a significant impact on developing my engineering skills but aided my personal growth. It was a privilege to work under the guidance of Mercedes, where my ideas were actively encouraged and supported.